
Military Rule May Be Over, But Myanmar's Film Industry Remains in a Tawdry Time Warp

Racism, homophobia and anti-Muslim sentiment are rampant in Myanmar’s movies—the result, insiders say, of nearly five decades of military rule in which stringent censorship ultimately stifled any chance of a proper cinema culture. Keep reading ...

Why Facebook is losing the war on hate speech in Myanmar

Reuters found more than 1,000 examples of posts, comments and pornographic images attacking the Rohingya and other Muslims on Facebook. A secretive operation set up by the social media giant to combat the hate speech is failing to end the problem. Keep reading ...

Rakhine’s Tha Htay Chaung Hydro Dam Nearly 50 Percent Complete

Construction on the Tha Htay Chaung Hydropower Dam in Rakhine State is almost 50 percent complete, with electricity production to begin in the next few years, according to the re­gional government.The project has reached 42.74 percent complete at a cost of K17 billion, said U ...

Cyber Security Survey Highlights Risks Facing Myanmar’s New Internet Users

Myanmar has come 22nd out of 44 Asian countries in a survey by Microsoft measuring na­tions’ vulnerability to cy­ber attacks.The survey highlights the increasing vulner­ability of internet users in Myanmar, who remain relatively unaware of the risks of being online and how to protect themselves ...

FDA to promote food safety awareness

Vital information on the safety of food, drugs and cosmetic products in the market will be extended to people in rural areas starting next month, said DrThan Htut, Director General of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Keep reading ...

Local Tech Firm Hopes to Find Partner for Fibre Infrastructure Project

Local tech company Myanmar FPT is looking for a local partner for a two phase, $50 million fibre infra­structure development. Myanmar FPT, owned by Vietnamese company FPT Corporation, has said that the first phase of the project, the National Web Portal, would begin later this ...

Construction Association to Take Over Low Cost Housing Projects

The Myanmar Con­struction Entrepre­neurs Association has taken over respon­sibility for the govern­ment’s affordable and low-cost housing scheme, which aims to build one million homes by 2030.The scheme covers pro­jects by the Union govern­ment as well as Yangon’s regional government and other state and regional authorities, ...

Local Man Opens Rakhine’s First Garment Factory ‘to Stop Migration to Other Regions’

A local entrepre­neur in Rakhine has started what he says is the area’s first garment factory in a bid to prevent people emi­grating from the impover­ished state.Keep reading ...

Singapore Firm Signs Deal to Advise on Myanmar’s Low Cost Housing Projects

A state-owned Sin­gaporean firm has signed a deal to advise Myanmar’s con­struction industry as it attempts to build one mil­lion ‘affordable’ homes by 2030 under a scheme trumpeted by the NLD government.Keep reading ...

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